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  • ≤4h
    Temps de réponse moyen
  • 92.9%
    Taux de livraison dans les délais
  • US $350,000+
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Avis sur l’entreprise (41)
4.1 /5
  • Fournisseur Service
  • Expédition ponctuelle
  • Produit Qualité
I ordered 10,000 plastic bottles size 650ml. Seller included 65 extra bottles to compensate for potential damages. I received 2,018 damaged bottles. Therefore, the 65 extra was far from compensation. The damages (20% of the order) were the result of thin cartons and too many bottles stuffed into each carton. There was no quality control. Each carton was stuffed with 165 bottles that were jammed into a large plastic bag. Seller indicated it was normal to receive some damaged goods and refused to give a refund. After Alibaba got involved, the seller offered me a refund of $140. Yet the damages exceeded $1,200. When I rejected the insulting refund offered, the seller indicated the damaged goods would be replaced when I place another order. Potential Buyers Beware: You will not be compensated for damages.

Réponse du fournisseur :

Dear, first of all, thank you very much for your trust in us and reaching cooperation. As for the packaging problem you said, I believe what you said and understand your feelings very much. Thank you very much for your feedback. In the later stage, we will upgrade the packaging of special-shaped products again. We will not only check the packaging four times before leaving the factory, but also make mandatory requirements with our freight forwarder to ensure that every link is not left behind. Regarding this order, we have actively communicated with the freight forwarder and other departments, and provided the compensation plan with your consent. thank you
18 Apr 2024
This is the most dishonest supplier in China! I ordered a sample from the sample. I placed a large order of 10,000. The shipping cost was very expensive and cost more than twice the price of the products. After I paid for the goods and shipping, the supplier requested that I pay an additional $280 for shipping. The supplier created a new invoice for the additional shipping. She (Sunny) entered the same FedEx tracking number that was used when I ordered the sample product. Since the invalid tracking number she used indicated "delivered", she was paid for the additional shipping 2 months before the goods were delivered. If that was corrupt enough, the goods were shipped in very thin boxes. Of the 10,000 products 2,018 arrived damaged. I have been offered no apology and zero refund for the damages. Prior to my order, Sunny was nice and professional. But now she is showing her true colors. Claims the company doesn't owe me a refund because the damages are due to the freight co

Réponse du fournisseur :

Dear, first of all, thank you very much for your trust in us and reaching cooperation. As for the packaging problem you said, I believe what you said and understand your feelings very much. Thank you very much for your feedback. In the later stage, we will upgrade the packaging of special-shaped products again. We will not only check the packaging four times before leaving the factory, but also make mandatory requirements with our freight forwarder to ensure that every link is not left behind. Regarding this order, we have actively communicated with the freight forwarder and other departments, and provided the compensation plan with your consent. thank you
18 Apr 2024
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